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Software Versioning Schemes - FAIL!

The software industry has created a knowledge and expectation of product versions.  Previously the closest industry to create this mindset was the automotive industry - they had the model year concept.  Typically they added nice to have "bells or whistles", but rarely added true features each iteration of the auto model year.

Software was a new paradigm, back in the 1980s, this industry started using a version numbering scheme (major dot minor). For example, Windows 3.1, the first version to truly work and deliver value to the customer.

What happens when a company moves back to the model year concept of versioning in the software industry?  Does it help customer to understand the expectations of value being delivered?  Does it create more cognitive load for decision makers?

Here's an example, you tell me; it is May of 2013, is this the best move for Company X.

Coming Soon: SharePoint 2010
The long-awaited upgrade to SharePoint 2010 will soon roll out in phases across Company X, beginning in May. The full upgrade should be complete by the end of August, with some employees beginning to see changes to their SharePoint in the coming weeks.
By my quick use of higher math (2013 - 2010 = 3 years), this is a very long awaited upgrade!  Perhaps so long as to just say, F*** IT, let's wait for SharePoint 2015.  The beta version should be out this summer.

Can someone please tell me how this version scheme helps our customers, users, purchasers, anyone?  What scheme do you use?  Does it set the expectation you desire with your customers?
