The question is not will the iPad do everything you or I wish it to, clearly Apple did not intend it to be the One Device to Rule Them All. Apple's intent has been clear for several years. Jobs stated the intent in a speech 9 years ago: The digital hub strategy. "The Mac," Jobs said, "can become the 'digital hub' of our emerging digital lifestyle, adding tremendous value to our other digital devices." "Jobs laid out a path of PC evolution that defined the early 80s as an initial 'golden age' of computing based on productivity software, which began to wane in the early 90s. A 'second golden age' began in the mid-1990s with the rise of Internet; but it too began to lose its momentum by 2000. Jobs said he believed a third age would focus on a digital lifestyle, driven by an 'explosion of digital devices.'" -- by Phil Simon The Age of the Platform Steve Jobs introduces the "Digital Hub... by HiltonRobb ...