A little about David in ObjectThink*
David's Resume is available for download.
As a polymorphic instance OOConsultant, davidKoontz has taken on many roles for various instances of TechnologyCompany. Much of davidKoontz time in the CPU has been spent within the methods objectOrientedProgramming(), objectModeling(), agileCoaching(), xpPractices()...
Before he became a CollegeStudent his father brought home an instance of the AppleComputer which had a BasicProgramFactory on which he taught himself to program, but not in ObjectThink. As a CollegeStudent object his first association with ComputerClasswas in the fortranClass. The PunchCardRoom instances became a sink for much of his processing time. He was overjoyed at the ability of SophemoreClassStudent instances to work on the GreenScreen instances in the ComputerLab.
He received an instance of MechanicalEngineeringDegree from the universityOfNorthCarolinaAtCharlotte, having spent a good part of his educational hours in a one-to-many association with the ComputerLab.
* Inspired by About the Author section in Scott Ambler's The Object Primer.
After working in many roles and organizations searching for a great company culture David practices skills in mechanical engineering and software development as applied to engineering problems. As the 1980s turned into the 90s the personal computer revolution had made it's initial mark in companies David found his computer skills out weighing the mechanical engineering skills, and the environment was much cleaner than the steel fabrication factory. Teaching CAD/CAM and mentoring engineers in design and computer programming to manufacture for automations and production/assembly was an interesting role. David worked in the education industry for a while, returning to the University to work with Project Mosaic.
Then into the contract and project world of professional developer as a software engineer. Trying to find a company culture that understood design and the creative process of building software.
Later in life David moves into the Agile Software Development movement (circa 2004).
David is an Agile Transition Guide for organizations wishing to explore and discover their unique path to Lean/Agile software development. Previously a software engineer with 20+ years developing software solutions within a variety of industries. David uses his experience in group dynamics, systems thinking and the power of the Agile philosophy to unleash a team’s full potential. He enjoys mentoring individuals and coaching teams. David believes in empowering the team with self-organization, setting them on the path to achieve the team's purpose and providing them the proper intrinsic motivation to move the team along the productivity curve toward ultra performance. David has experience teaching Scrum and XP practices to multiple groups that evolved into Agile teams delivering quality software and value to customers.
David's Resume is available for download.