When one considers core values happiness is not always on the list. A short list of typical core values includes: integrity, reliability, freedom, justice, etc. Even long lists of values may leave happiness off the list. This is intriguing, and I wonder why. Is it too self-centered, too narcissistic, to desire happiness for one’s self? I do not think that to be true. I believe that happiness is a wonderful value to hold, perhaps a better value than many others. The founding father’s inshrined this value within our declaration of independence. Giving the pursuit of happiness equal weight to the rights of life and liberty (Declaration of Independence, 2010). Recognizing that while the framers of the republic considered life and liberty an unalienable right, one does not have a right to happiness, just the right to pursue happiness. The pursuit of happiness should not be allow to impinge upon other’s rights. Therefore an inherent requirement for ...