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Showing posts from April, 2011

Graphical view of my Twitter stream.

A graphical view of my twitter feed.  From a mash up by Tweet Topic Explorer   (created by: @JeffClark).

Chefs of Fruit Salad (Scrum Immersion Exercise)

Chefs of Fruit Salad immersion exercise is designed to give the participants a quick shared experience of Scrum sprinting in a domain (food preparation, presentations and delivery) that is familiar to everyone but slightly outside the expertise of many.  This domain requires most individuals to use similar techniques to battle the uncertainty of requirements and implementation details while allowing for great creativity within their skill sets.  In game design it is a leveling of the field of play - making most everyone an beginner, with some deep skills in the recesses of their experiences (hasn't everyone eaten a very decorative fruit salad at a fancy restaurant or conference)? The exercise as a whole gives the participants an experience of using the Scrum terminology and practices (stand-up meeting, timeboxes, planning, reviews, retrospectives) within a safe environment to learn and play.  Within this safe environment people feel free to create the mental models the...