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Showing posts from November, 2014

Coal in your bug tracking stocking this Christmas?

What is your plan for being a better developer next year?  What's the technique that will repay your efforts many fold?  Testing - automated test to be specific.  There are all types of automated testing.  The agile mind set thinks of testing first, not in a reactive manner, but as a preventative and design effort. "For three years, The Container Store has been using application performance management (APM) technology from AppDynamics to locate bugs in the website, target them immediately and fix them. Sometimes there's a slowdown in a particular region. Other times it's from a certain database and often from a single line of code. Just this year, the Container Store upped its contract with AppDynamics, buying more software so the company can test new features before deploying them and minimize the number of live fixes necessary. "We said we want to be more proactive instead of reactive," said A.J. Azzarello, a quality assurance engineer at The Con...

When Women Stopped Coding : Planet Money : NPR

What happened in the mid 1980s?  Previously women were in the hi-tech industries at the same rates as any other industry - but then it all changed.  Women fled the compute sciences field.  Is this the rise of the computer geek era? Was it the geeks that ran the women away?  Or was it the lack of women that attracted the geeks?  Was there cause and effect or just an interesting correlation? Planet Money has an interesting investigation and some answers - give it a listen. When Women Stopped Coding  :: Planet Money - NPR Look at the red line in 1984.  What happened in 1984? A trend may change, all it takes is a desire to change.  Here is a great story of one such change in education cirruclum and the effective outcome it has had in women in STEM education. Colleges Have Increased Women Computer Science Majors: What Can Google Learn? heard on NPR's All Things Considered See Also: Why women in tech came to a 'Halt' ...