Do you want your team to run upon the principle of democracy or benevolent dictator or some form of holarchy or self-selection, etc? There are many ways to organize or self-organize. But the one form that humans have found valuable and worth repeating is best described by the term Benevolent Dictator. This is the pattern that describes so so many of our businesses and many organizations. We must find it useful. I just heard that scientists have found that dolphins have a tiered network of associations. " Bottlenose dolphins form multi-level alliances to find mates — the largest known network outside of humans, according to a new study . Bottlenose dolphins are social creatures, usually traveling in a pod of 12 or more, even though they do strike out on their own from time to time." I was talking with a business owner who described one of the key factors in his weeding out of people that didn't fit well wit...