In actual practice the people with the regular lens got as good of images as I did with the super fast long lens. Why - because they could find the target faster with the wider angle. When I started thinking about this, it made me question the need for a 35 mm camera. Would a typical point and shoot give me just as good vacation photos for the scrap book or slide show?
Imagine the advantage of an ubiquitous camera solution by putting the camera in a cell phone (the iPhone rocks this solution) and the days of the amateur with a 35mm and a pro lens are all but gone. There is no need for that pro lens unless you get paid for images. I don't get paid for images. So in fulfilling my childish needs - I bought a Canon Pro Lens coffee mug.
iPhone image of a fleeting moment at sunset, no time to run get the big camera. |
Now I can look like the serious photographer, drink my coffee and pull out my iPhone for that candid shot without any scene prep time required. I'll be able to get rid of this expensive setup.
So where is the value in the camera lens solutions? Having a set of interchangeable lens is a great solution to one problem. When you want a photograph it might be the wrong solution, the great solution that is in search of the problem. Will this solution allow for a disruption solution to sneak into the industry or eco-system. Perhaps a camera made into you cell phone. Is a camera in the hand worth a wide angle lens and a telephoto lens in the bag? If you manage a product or product portfolio you may want to think along these lines from time to time... What is the alternative product to your baby?