Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. I agree, every countries nuclear weapons are for peaceful purpose. The Soviet Unions stock pile were to offset the US stock pile and look at the peace that has existed for 70 years. The Iranian weapons may lead to the middle east version of detente - a peaceful purpose - through the capability of force, to offset the Israelis undeclared nuclear stock pile.
The problem I have with this cognitive dissonance is that no one will speak of it. The politicians will not look at the history and acknowledge the facts, nor the intent of policies, nor that actions that were taken by countries. The press never questions the rhetoric "for peaceful purposes."
Take a look at the facts. The US, the only nations to use nuclear weapons in war, used only 2 warheads in it's whole history for non-peaceful purposes. And of its 7,700 warheads produced gives it a stunning batting average of 999.8 peaceful usage. I believe every other country is batting 1000.
So why is this rhetoric, "for peaceful purposes" so frequently repeated, quoted, and used to explain the question - why do you want nuclear capabilities? "For peaceful purposes" is not an acceptable answer.
I bring this up because it is a great example of the lack of trust, and actions based upon fear. These players are in a high stakes game. Playing with the lives and happiness of their citizens and their neighbors happiness. So perhaps it is easier for us to see through the posturing, rhetoric and bull shit.
But scale this down to the silos within your organization and you have similar games being played. Hopefully for small stakes. Yet sill effecting peoples lives and their families happiness.
Do we ask about the intent and motives of the players rhetoric? If we do, I would bet that we have similar motives... to accomplish some objective that leads to happiness, safety, increased prosperity.
There are very very few megalomaniacs with death wishes that have ever lead a country, or a business unit. I encourage us all to get to the core of the motivations and find the common ground, for peaceful purposes.
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