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The 3 Laws of Clown Nose

Agile Games conference is a laboratory of  experiential experimental education - also know by the name learning.

Having supplied the clown noses to the conference for a few years now, I'm setting down the laws - the behaviors one can commonly observe in correlation to the clown nose phenomenon.

The  (3)  Laws of Clown Nose

1- Clown Nose has Inertia, people desire for our clown nose (culture) to remain the same, to stay consistent - why?  I feel it's because "fitting in", that desire that many of us have is going to be easier if the cultural expectations remain constant.

2 - Once applied - one does not discuss Clown Nose.  This law comes from deep within the Matrix, "there is no spoon" - not from Fight Club. [ hat tip to Richard Kasperowski ]

3 - Clown Nose results in oppositional forces to unique and challenging behaviors.  Not always equal and opposite as in physics, yet the stronger the clown nose (cultural norm), the more equal - your results may vary.

Newton did very well with his 3 Laws of Motion. 1) principle of Inertia, 2) equating net force to mass multiples of acceleration,  and 3) action always has a reaction (they only arrive in pairs).

It is that 3rd law of Clown Nose that is so very interesting...

Try it some time, and feel the forces.  This experience will be great for you, it is a social experiment that requires no IRB and in America should be protected by our constitution - yet it isn't ...

Let's debrief this experience ... use the comments...

Spoiler Alert

I've classified reactions as:
suppression - subject will not recognize observation, except thru involuntary behavior (disdain)
acceptance - subject will acknowledge and embrace and may exhibit desire to be included

With just these couple of reaction buckets... one could measure the diversity and inclusion aptitude of your organization.  Want to give Clown Nose a test?
