"That went very well." Said in reference to today's sprint planning session, and an inferred commentary upon the previous planning session which was a tornado disaster zone of a trailer park. Few people like to attend a disaster waiting to happen. But I've found that there are times when it's the best thing that can happen for a team. And while I don't cheer for the tornado, I don't mind its visit to the sprint planning meeting once in a while. I'm typically heard explaining why the tornado hit our little trailer park... it's because we didn't do any (or enough) backlog refinement . And then people want to know what backlog refinement is - what should happen in these "meetings"? If you search the old books and articles on Scrum you might not find this meeting mentioned. But that's just because refining the backlog was something that most teams understood needed to happen and did what needed to be done. Somewhere alon...