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Let's talk User Experience - What's worse?

I've recently been party to a somewhat rare event in one's life.  It has made me think about the customer experience - or the UX that we discuss so much in software. 

On a scale of 0 - 10 rank these events in your life:

  • Applying for and receiving a home mortgage.
  • Being the subject of Inter-Stellar Species cataloging and experimentation (Alien Abduction).
  • Having the periodic Colonoscopy exam.

I feel like I can be considered an expert in all of these areas, having multiple experiences in each unique domain.  Here is how I rate them on the scale (terrible to uneventful):

(0) Home Mortage - - - - (5) - - - Colonoscopy - Alien Abduction (10)

What is your worst UX experience?

Is anything worse than a Home Mortage experience?
