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XP is the Mac of Agile

XP is the Mac of Agile   by The Agile Warrior

"When Apple released the Macintosh it changed the face of computing. Graphical user interfaces, drag and drop icons, clickable menus. Since it's release, the personal computer has never been the same. The same thing happened with the release of XP. Like an earthquake, it shook just about everything we traditionally believed and practiced in software delivery down to it's core.  And then both failed."

"In this article [Jonathan Rasmusson] would like to explore why Scrum has become so popular, the challenges this popularity brings to Agile, and why, like the Mac, [Jonathan doesn't] think we've heard the last of XP."
"One reason [Jonathan] believes Scrum has grown so popular, is because unlike XP, it struck the right balance between maintaining the status quo and change."

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Uncle Bob Martin explores the history and contribution of the Extreme Programming (XP) movement in the early and continual evolution of the Agile Software Development industry in his Xmas 2013 greeting (his 12 practices of XP song at the end is a treat).
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