A technique for increasing performance by using a simple (perhaps magical) recipe when giving feedback. Read the study, understand the method of investigation; ask yourself if this is similar to your work environment - just enough such that the technique might be generalized across the two different situations. Breaking the Cycle of Mistrust: Wise Interventions to Provide Critical Feedback Across the Racial Divide by David S. Yeager, et. al. If you just want to cheat, read the "cliff-notes" version (it's what I did) - but I promise myself to go back after writing this post and read the study. Try This One Phrase to Make Feedback 40% More Effective by Jeff Haden - INC. Jeff is quoting Daniel Coyle , author of The Talent Code which references the study. Now I'm referring to Jeff -> Daniel -> Yeager et al. And you are at the front of the line of referral - maybe you should jump the line - read the original work. But y...