A technique for increasing performance by using a simple (perhaps magical) recipe when giving feedback.
Read the study, understand the method of investigation; ask yourself if this is similar to your work environment - just enough such that the technique might be generalized across the two different situations.
Breaking the Cycle of Mistrust: Wise Interventions to Provide Critical Feedback Across the Racial Divide by David S. Yeager, et. al.
If you just want to cheat, read the "cliff-notes" version (it's what I did) - but I promise myself to go back after writing this post and read the study.
Try This One Phrase to Make Feedback 40% More Effective by Jeff Haden - INC.
Jeff is quoting Daniel Coyle, author of The Talent Code which references the study. Now I'm referring to Jeff -> Daniel -> Yeager et al. And you are at the front of the line of referral - maybe you should jump the line - read the original work.
But you just want the MAGIC:
I'm giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.
Breaking it down: create an IN Group mentality, set high expectation to belong within this group, extend trust that they have what it takes to belong and meet the high standards.
Try that in the upcoming round of performance reviews.
See Also:
Employee feedback: How to make it less painful - How Lee Burbage, the Motley Fool HR leader changed their employee feedback program.
Read the study, understand the method of investigation; ask yourself if this is similar to your work environment - just enough such that the technique might be generalized across the two different situations.
Breaking the Cycle of Mistrust: Wise Interventions to Provide Critical Feedback Across the Racial Divide by David S. Yeager, et. al.

Try This One Phrase to Make Feedback 40% More Effective by Jeff Haden - INC.
Jeff is quoting Daniel Coyle, author of The Talent Code which references the study. Now I'm referring to Jeff -> Daniel -> Yeager et al. And you are at the front of the line of referral - maybe you should jump the line - read the original work.
But you just want the MAGIC:
I'm giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.
Breaking it down: create an IN Group mentality, set high expectation to belong within this group, extend trust that they have what it takes to belong and meet the high standards.
Try that in the upcoming round of performance reviews.
See Also:
Employee feedback: How to make it less painful - How Lee Burbage, the Motley Fool HR leader changed their employee feedback program.
HBR: Why Your Brain Hates Performance Reviews by Gretchen Gavett
Performance Appraisals what have we learned in 50 years?
20 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Demonstrated the Perfect Way to Respond to an Insult, Inc. by Justin Bariso
In 1997, Steve Jobs was answering developers' questions when one audience member took a shot at him. What happens next is remarkable.
Performance Appraisals what have we learned in 50 years?
20 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Demonstrated the Perfect Way to Respond to an Insult, Inc. by Justin Bariso
In 1997, Steve Jobs was answering developers' questions when one audience member took a shot at him. What happens next is remarkable.